Perth Hand Clinic Sarah Fairthorne and Kristine Beacham - PerthHandClinic, PerthHandTherapy

Workers Compensation

How do I use Workers Compensation Insurance to see a Therapist at Perth Hand Clinic?

As part of the comprehensive hand therapy services offered by Perth Hand Clinic we can see injured workers under the state’s workers compensation scheme. Patients seen under workers compensation have their invoices forwarded to the relevant insurer meaning there is no out of pocket cost for the patient. The insurer is also able to reimburse the injured worker for their travel expenses and parking costs.

To access this workers compensation service we ask that patient’s either have a referral from their treating medical practitioner or have a liability decision notice from their insurer. From receipt of the referral, we will book you in for assessment and treatment within a few days. Fractures and acute injuries are seen on the same day.

What happens at the first appointment?

The first appointment entails an assessment where we gather a history of the injury, view diagnostic imaging, aggravating factors, and  get a baseline of strength, function, movement and pain (as appropriate). From there we make a treatment plan and commence treatment at the same appointment. Depending on the injury we may offer splinting, taping, ergonomic modification, education, and exercises. If the patient consents, we will then write to the relevant parties explain our findings and the plan moving forward.

We understand being injured is a stressful time

At Perth Hand Clinic, we understand that returning to work after an injury or illness can be stressful. Some people feel unsure about which tasks they will be able to perform when they return to work. Others are worried about aggravating their condition and suffering a relapse. Whatever your concerns, our hand therapists will work with you, your workplace and your medical team to ensure that your return to work is as seamless as possible.

Please note under the modernised Workers Compensation & Injury Management Act 2023 patients are now able to select their preferred allied health provider or doctor and cannot be coerced by employees to see a specific practitioner.

Please book online or email us if you would like to make an appointment to see us for your work injury.