Perth Hand Clinic Sarah Fairthorne and Kristine Beacham - PerthHandClinic, PerthHandTherapy

Casting Motion to Mobilise stiffness (CMMS)

What is CMMS?

Casting Motion to Mobilise Stiffness (CMMS) is a specialised plastering technique to treat the stiff hand. When the hand has an injury and swelling occurs, movement of the fingers can become limited and hard, and even painful. After only a matter of days of a swollen and stiff hand not being able to make a proper fist, the brain begins to adopt this new movement  pattern and soft tissues begin to tighten, and this cycle continues. Regaining the normal movement back can be difficult, not just because of the stiff joints and shortened soft tissue, but because the brain forgets how the hand should move properly to make a fist.

CMMS is often the best technique that can fix the stiff hand by constraining joints that are looser with plaster and performing repetitive movement with the stiff joints to loosen the soft tissues around the tight joint structures, and at the same time, retrain the brain in the correct movement pattern.

There is no pain or intense therapy involved in CMMS.

Kris is one of the few Australian therapists trained in this technique and because of this we are often referred patients from other private practices for our CMMS casting techniques.