Perth Hand Clinic Sarah Fairthorne and Kristine Beacham - PerthHandClinic, PerthHandTherapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression or irritation of the median nerve on the palm side of the wrist

What symptoms does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cause?

Symptoms are often described by patients as numbness around the middle finger, index finger and thumb. Sometimes it can cause tingling and it can make you feel like there’s a barrier between your hand and the environment and things feel a bit “fuzzy” in your hand to the point where you tend to drop things. Symptoms can get worse at night, and you might feel like you have to shake your hand to relieve the symptoms.

How is it assessed?

At Perth Hand Clinic there are a few tests that we can carry out to assess your symptoms, and also discuss other diagnostic tests that your doctor can refer you for if we need a clearer picture of the cause of your symptoms.

What is the treatment?

Often patients will require a splint, but we also perform other treatments at Perth Hand Clinic to do our best to avoid surgery. This treatment can include myofascial treatment, kinesiotape, and low-level laser treatment, along with other modalities and exercises as appropriate. We can also discuss activity modification techniques to avoid recurrence.

Book an Appointment

After-school, weekend appointments, and home visits are available for patients unable to make it into the clinic because of their injury or disability.